

Since we were young, our minds and bodies have been listening, learning, and creating a reality from all the positive and negative experiences we’ve had. No matter how strong our emotional resilience is, we’ll all face challenges and be affected by difficult situations. Sometimes past experiences no longer serve us and hold us back as we try to move forward and grow. Sometimes we’re aware of the effect of these experiences, and other times the cause is so deeply rooted in our unconscious we are not sure why we are behaving or reacting in certain ways. Either way, this can leave us feeling stuck and in need of positive change.


Together we can explore your problem’s impact on your life and identify what positive change looks like for you. In our confidential sessions, I will actively listen, engage in a detailed discussion to grasp the core of your issue, apply therapeutic techniques, and work together to map out a path towards your desired solution.


My top priority is providing you with unconditional positive regard for your wellbeing. We’ll move at a pace that suits you, with the shared goal of getting to the root of your problem and transforming it so that it no longer holds you back. You can look forward to seeing a much more positive future, feeling better within yourself, taking action with a more positive mindset, and ultimately living more of the life the way that you want.


Have you ever felt like you’re trying to live up to someone else’s expectations? Perhaps projected yourself in a way that wasn’t true to your values to fit in, seek approval or just get ahead? Or maybe you want to find more purpose in your daily life, or reach a specific goal but can’t figure out how to take the next (or first!) step?? You’re not alone. Most of us have a belief, habit or goal that isn’t actually ours and doesn’t serve us in living our most fulfilled lives.


Throughout our lives, we are unknowingly being programmed by other people’s beliefs and the experiences we go through. These outside sources often influence our understanding of various parts of life, whether it’s how to build our careers, how to be successful, how to cultivate the perfect relationship or what healthy balance and boundaries look like. These external factors from others contribute to our perceived reality and the story we tell ourselves. And while they can sometimes propel us forward, they can also hold us back. Luckily, you already have all the tools you need to make positive changes and live more authentically.


By working together, we can help you find balance, figure out what you really want, and why you want to get there. Is it really for you, or is it for someone else? We’ll set small, continuous goals to make sure you enjoy the journey and don’t feel like you need to move Everest to get there. While the path to your ultimate goal might not be linear, as long as we keep moving towards it, you may be surprised just how obtainable it is.


Have you ever felt like you’re trying to live up to someone else’s expectations? Perhaps projected yourself in a way that wasn’t true to your values to fit in, seek approval or just get ahead? Or maybe you want to find more purpose in your daily life, or reach a specific goal but can’t figure out how to take the next (or first!) step?? You’re not alone. Most of us have a belief, habit or goal that isn’t actually ours and doesn’t serve us in living our most fulfilled lives.


Throughout our lives, we are unknowingly being programmed by other people’s beliefs and the experiences we go through. These outside sources often influence our understanding of various parts of life, whether it’s how to build our careers, how to be successful, how to cultivate the perfect relationship or what healthy balance and boundaries look like. These external factors from others contribute to our perceived reality and the story we tell ourselves. And while they can sometimes propel us forward, they can also hold us back. Luckily, you already have all the tools you need to make positive changes and live more authentically.


By working together, we can help you find balance, figure out what you really want, and why you want to get there. Is it really for you, or is it for someone else? We’ll set small, continuous goals to make sure you enjoy the journey and don’t feel like you need to move Everest to get there. While the path to your ultimate goal might not be linear, as long as we keep moving towards it, you may be surprised just how obtainable it is.



Moving you towards a goal or desired life journey with more fulfilment and success, while being true to your authentic self.


Improving self-worth by focusing on your skills and resources to maximise opportunities and navigate change.


Negating unhelpful thought patterns and overwhelm to look forward to a more positive outcome.


Swapping bad habits and procrastination for more positive and empowering behaviours.


Alleviating the negative meaning attached to past events and creating positive pathways for a more fulfilled and happy future.


Strengthening emotional resilience and increasing self-empowerment in challenging situations.


Exploring the route of unwanted behaviours and creating positive change.


Instilling calm, clarity and confidence when triggered by situational fear.


Alleviating the emotional impact from a negative experience to move forward with more resilience.


Moving you towards a goal or desired life journey with more fulfilment and success, while being true to your authentic self.


Improving self-worth by focusing on your skills and resources to maximise opportunities and navigate change.


Swapping bad habits and procrastination for more positive and empowering behaviours.


Negating unhelpful thought patterns and overwhelm to look forward to a more positive outcome.


Alleviating the negative meaning attached to past events and creating positive pathways for a more fulfilled and happy future.


Strengthening emotional resilience and increasing self-empowerment in challenging situations.


Instilling calm, clarity and confidence when triggered by situational fear.


Exploring the route of unwanted behaviours and creating positive change.


Alleviating the emotional impact from a negative experience to move forward with more resilience.